classroom phrases クラスで使うフレーズ
asking questions
I have a question. (質問があります)
I don't understand. (意味がわかりません)
I don't know. (知りません)
Can you help me? (助けてくれますか?)
I don't understand. (意味がわかりません)
I don't know. (知りません)
Can you help me? (助けてくれますか?)
questions for games
What are we doing today?(今日は何をやるんですか?)
How do I do this? (これはどうやるんですか?)
Can we play games today? (今日はゲームをやれますか?)
How do we play? (どうやってゲームをやるんですか?)
How do I do this? (これはどうやるんですか?)
Can we play games today? (今日はゲームをやれますか?)
How do we play? (どうやってゲームをやるんですか?)
Can I go to the bathroom? (トイレに行ってもいいですか?)
Can I wash my hands? (手を洗ってもいいですか?)
Can I have a glass of water, please? (水を一杯もらってもいいですか?)
Can I wash my hands? (手を洗ってもいいですか?)
Can I have a glass of water, please? (水を一杯もらってもいいですか?)
goodbye time
Thank you for the lesson. (レッスンありがとうございました)
It was fun! (楽しかったです)
See you next week! (また来週)
It was fun! (楽しかったです)
See you next week! (また来週)
Look! (見て!)
Look at this! (これ見て!)
Look at that! (あれ見て!)
Look what I did! (私がしたことを見て!)
Look at this! (これ見て!)
Look at that! (あれ見て!)
Look what I did! (私がしたことを見て!)
show me
Show me. (見せて)
I want to see. (見たい)
I can't see. (見えない)
You are in my way. (じゃま)
I want to see. (見たい)
I can't see. (見えない)
You are in my way. (じゃま)
snack time
Who's hungry? (お腹がすいた人?)
I'm hungry! (お腹がすいた)
Can we start? (食べていい?/飲んでいい?)
Thank you, it was yummy! (ごちそうさま)
I'm hungry! (お腹がすいた)
Can we start? (食べていい?/飲んでいい?)
Thank you, it was yummy! (ごちそうさま)
clean-up time
Time to clean up! (お片付けの時間だよ)
File please. (ファイルに入れて)
Where is the hole punch? (穴あけパンチはどこ?)
Where does this go? (どこにしまうの?)
File please. (ファイルに入れて)
Where is the hole punch? (穴あけパンチはどこ?)
Where does this go? (どこにしまうの?)
where does this go?
Over here. (ここだよ)
Put it there. (あそこにおいて)
Leave it there. (おいておいて)
In the box. (箱の中だよ)
Put it there. (あそこにおいて)
Leave it there. (おいておいて)
In the box. (箱の中だよ)